Let’s build a Blog Business that prints money for you while you sit at your home and enjoy that heart-shaped cappuccino you Love. 

Let’s me be clearly honest here. The most blogging advice you found on the internet is a total piece of crap so the first step is to open the lid of the dustbin and put that crap into it and then burn it down to hell.

I mean it literally do it now.

Done it good. So let’s begin.

Let’s understand the new Blogging System which makes Money. I mean the good good money which pays not only all of your bills but also let you enjoy the life the way you dreamt it in your childhood.
Now you must be wondering is blogging even work in 2020 or will it work in the future. Yes, it will. You just need a little change in your thought process that’s it. Blogging does wonders but not if you think you can write anything and put some crappy ads on it and then write listicles and put affiliate links in it. Those things are dead. 

The key to blogging today is to think of blogging as a marketing platform

You see whatever niche you select for your blog, it’s important to understand the audience in that niche. Know them and their problems. Then go and write articles in such a way that those solve their problems. Because by doing that you build trust with your audience and connect to them emotionally. Once they connect with you they buy from you, not the other way around.

 Remember the Second key is Trust.

You see people don’t buy from anyone in first interaction like say now I made you an offer by saying that I have a digital course for you which will solve all your blogging needs which I do have but that’s not the point will you buy from me. Not right. Because you need to know whether I’m good and what I’m saying works in the actual world or not. 

And say now I have 7 articles written in my blog which solves your 7 different problems and you have gone through them and after reading them it does solve your issues. Then I tell you that for your bigger problem I have a Paid course which will do wonders for you will you buy now I mean you will definitely be curious to check it out right.

I know doing it is not that easy as it sounds but it’s not that difficult either.

Don’t worry I will teach you how to sell meaningful Products online by packaging your knowledge into books, courses, and high-end services.